
The breed Brentegana is a sturdy Alpine sheep with a ewes’ life weight of 70 to 80 kg. The white wool is dense and half-closed. Head and legs are unicoloured white, slight brown discolouring is possible. Both rams and ewes are polled. The animals’ nose shows a slightly Roman profile, the long lop ears are meaty.

General and History

Brentegana sheep belong to the Alpine breeds. The breed derives most probably from the breed Lamon (Italiy).

Distribution in the past and today

The area of distribution is in Venetia and Verona Provinces at the foothills of Monte Baldo around Affi and Caprino.


Wool yield is relatively high, 5 to 6kgs are gained through two shearings per year. The rough wool is used for the production of mattresses. Weaned lambs have a weight of 15 to 20kg, castrated rams are slaughtered with 60 to 65kg. They yield a good profit with their very good meat quality.


The breed Brentegana is valued for its good adaptation to meagre locations. The animals stay on pastures and fields close to the stables during the whole year.


Lactating ewes receive only small amounts of concentrate. Ewes lamb 3 times in 2 years, with approx. 50% twins.
Body weight: 90-100kg (m), 70- 80kg (w)
Withers height: 90-65cm (m), 82cm (w)
Fleece weight: 5.5-6kg (m), 5kg (w)
Lambing percentage: 130%


Günter Jaritz: Seltene Nutztiere der Alpen 7000 Jahre geprägte Kulturlandschaft
Schafrassen in den Alpen, Antje Feldmann, Ursula Bietzker, Dr. Christian Mendel, Geschellschaft zur Erhaltung alter und gefährdeter Haustierrassen e.V. - GEH