
Corteno is a plain white sheep of medium size. It belongs to the group of Bergamasca-type sheep with lop ears of medium length and slight Roman head. Both sexes are polled.

General and History

The sheep breed Corteno is an autochthon Alpine breed from Lombardy Region. It is found in Brescia Province in the community of Montana di Valle Camomica, Valle die Corteno, Golgi Edolo, and Malanno. The breed is considered to be a cultural inheritance of the region.

Distribution in the past and today

Lombardy Region, Brescia Province in the community of Montana di Valle Camomica, Valle die Corteno, Golgi Edolo, and Malanno.


Main focus is on meat production, whereby fat lambs are slaughtered at 40 to 50kg of weight.

Breeding aims

The overall population size has been decreasing for many years. Different institutions have now become active for the conservation of the breed.


Body weight: 60-65kg (m), 55-60kg (w)
Withers height: 70cm (m), 60cm (w)


In the Val di Corteno which gave the breed its name, every year on the 15th August e special traditional dish is prepared, made from castrated male lambs. It is called “Cus”. At the moment it is planned to integrate the breed into tourism-activities.


Günter Jaritz: Seltene Nutztiere der Alpen, 7000 Jahre geprägte Kulturlandschaft, Verlag Anton Pustet, 2014
Schafrassen in den Alpen, Antje Feldmann, Ursula Bietzker, Dr. Christian Mendel, Gesellschaft zur Erhaltung alter und gefährdeter Nutztierrassen e.V. - GEH.
