
Mid-sized duck, with a conspicuously S-shaped beck and almost horizontal posture. Temperamental - vivid duck and still amenable, hairless or with a hair bush on the hind head. The Torso has no keel and the well rounded belly no Wamme. The elongated round head has noticeably cheecks and a not overly flat front. A moderately long orane beak with black or green spots characterizes this duck. The eye Colour varies together with the foot Colour, depending on the type. All Colours are considered for this race, with white being most common. The ducks are very robust, have a good taste and lay eggs fairly well. They are vivid, active and amenable Food seekers, who raise their Young with no issues. The weight is about 2-2.5 kg. The egg Colour is usually white, more rarely green.

General and History

The Landente with a bush ("Anas domestica cristata") is considered a mutant of the Landente and as shown by many historical portrayals it was well known in Europe for centuries. Inferentially, it once was an important domestic animals. Thus it can be considered a historical good with economic value. The Landente with a bush was formerly also called a Holle-, Schopf-, Federbusch- or Kaiser-Ente and must not be confused with other bush-bearing races (Zwergente or Hochbrut-Ente)

Distribution in the past and today

The race is a mutant of the common Landente and is known since centuries in most of Europe as a domestic and economy animal. The Haubenenten decorated with a cap of feathers on the head are known since a long time and exist since many centuries. The Landenten with such a cap are known in Germany since about 1800. The stem types formerly were probably widespread in Holland and Germany. The entire population in 2009 was estimated to be 100 animals in 30 companies.
These ducks owing to their lovely, vivid behaviour are sill well liked as pets and are common in Austria not only among small animal breeders but also in some Gardens to the pleasure of many people.


Meat which has a good table Quality.
Egg laying performance about 50-60 items.
Minimum mass of fertilized eggs 60g
Eats snails


Ponds, streams and others where they can swim
Rust-free stable

Breeding aims

The preservation work is mainly Reconciliation work between interested parties and small animal breeders in the regions. When breeding one has to take care to not use animals with overly large caps.


Weight: 2.5kg male and 2kg female.
Eggs: Weigh at least 60g
Performance: 50-60 eggs

Processing and products

Meat, eggs


The Landenten with or without cap also appear in literature and here especially at Wilhelm Busch.
Also in Max und Moritz - the story where Busch made his breakthrough - the two miscreants are finally eaten by cap-bearing Landenten.


Schmidt, H. (1996). Groß- und Wassergeflügel. Eugen Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart
Kleintiere Schweiz, Zucht und Haltung von Enten mit Hauben
